15 November 2013
KTH Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A numerical investigation of the cell sorting based on the deformability

15 Nov 2013, 10:00
K1 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Lindstedtvägen 56


Mr Lailai Zhu (KTH Mechanics, Linne flow centre)


We develop a code to resolve the fluid-structure interaction of capsules in low-Reynolds-number flow, in 3D general geometries. We use accelerated boundary integral method general geometry Ewald method (GGEM), in the framework of the Navier-Stokes solver NEK5000 based on spectral element method. A global spectral interpretation employing spherical harmonics is incorporated simultaneously to resolve the membrane dynamics. Two cases are investigated to illustrate the generality of our implementation. We firstly show a capsule transported in a 3D channel and/or duct with a 90 degree straight and/or smooth curved corner, for a better understanding of moving soft objects in geometrically asymmetric configurations. We examine the effect of capsule elasticity and wall confinement in detail. Our results give useful hints for the design of micro-devices. As a second case, we simulate the capsule in flow past a cylindrical obstacle with and without confinement, representing two popular cell separation configurations, pinched flow fractionation (PFF) and deterministic lateral displacement (DLL) respectively. In contrast to the original methodology using fluid inertia, particle size or steric effect, we numerically demonstrate the pure-elasticity-driven cell separation in such devices.

Primary author

Mr Lailai Zhu (KTH Mechanics, Linne flow centre)


Prof. Luca Brandt (KTH Mechanics, Linne flow centre)

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