15 November 2013
KTH Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Keynote: Bifurcation analysis for timesteppers

15 Nov 2013, 11:00
K1 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Lindstedtvägen 56


Laurette Tuckerman


For systems making a transition from simple (uniform, laminar, steady) to more complex (non-uniform, periodic, quasiperiodic, chaotic, turbulent) behavior, a bifurcation diagram summarizes the information necessary for understanding the system. A complete bifurcation diagram, including unstable states and limit cycles, is inaccessible to experiment, but is, in principle, obtainable numerically from the governing equations. This is seldom done in practice if the equations are two or three dimensional PDEs. In this talk, we will show how to adapt a time-stepping code so as to calculate steady states and rotating waves via Newton's method and to calculate leading eigenpairs and Floquet multipliers via the Arnoldi method. We will show how this information can be used to understand various hydrodynamic pattern-forming systems, such as convection in cylindrical and spherical geometries.

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