OKC colloquia

The fundamental role of the observer in relativistic cosmological structure formation

by C. Rampf (Potsdam)

According to the standard model of cosmology the large-scale structure (i.e., clusters of galaxies) is largely the result of gravitational instability. By studying the gravitational evolution we can verify the theory of gravitation, but we are also able to shed light into the energy composition of our Universe. In this talk I will concentrate on the fundamental role of the observer in relativistic structure formation. I will show how relativistic effects affect the interpretation of observations and Newtonian numerical simulations. This becomes increasingly important when we interpret precision data from current and forthcoming large-scale surveys (such as SDSS or Euclid). The key analytic technique for such considerations is the Lagrangian perturbation theory which I will also review in this talk. ct: F. Kuehnel