11–13 Jun 2014
Albanova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Spectra of large random stochastic matrices and relaxation in complex systems

11 Jun 2014, 14:30
FA32 (Albanova University Centre)


Albanova University Centre


Reimer Kuhn (Kings College, London)


We compute spectra of large random stochastic matrices, i.e. Markov matrices defined on random graphs, where each edge (ij) in a (sparse) random graph is given a positive random weight W_{ij}>0 in such a fashion that the each column sum of the matrix W is normalized to one, \sum_i W_{ij}= 1. We use the replica method to compute spectra in the thermodynamic limit, and the cavity method to obtain results for very large single instances. The stucture of the graphs and the distribution of the non-zeo weights W_{ij} are largely arbitrary, as long as the mean degree remains finite and the column sum constraint are satisfied. Knowing the spectra of stochastic matrices is tantamount to knowing the complete spectrum of relaxation times of stochastic processes described by them, so our results should have many interesting applications for the description of relaxation in complex systems.

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