Chia-Hsien Lin
(National Central University)
Early theoretical studies of flux emergence showed that
solar magnetic fields are brought up to the surface by
magnetic buoyancy. In recent years, sophisticated numerical
models have been developed to include other effects, such as
solar rotation, convection, twisting and geometry of the
magnetic flux tube. The objective of this work is to examine
how significant these effects are on the emerging process of
an active region. The strategy is to compare the observed
relationship between the rising velocity and magnetic field
strength of an emerging active region (EAR) with the
relationship derived from the magnetic buoyancy theory. The
level of discrepancy/consistency can be used to infer
whether magnetic buoyancy is the main mechanism The vector
magnetograms and Dopplergrams from HMI/SDO are used for this
study. The results will be discussed in this presentation.
Primary author
Chia-Hsien Lin
(National Central University)