30 March 2016 to 22 April 2016
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Supersymmetric 5D gauge theories on toric manifolds

5 Apr 2016, 10:15
AlbaNova, FA32 (Nordita, Stockholm)

AlbaNova, FA32

Nordita, Stockholm


Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala)


I will review the localization calculation for 5D supersymmetric gauge theories on the toric Sasaki-Einstein manifold. I will explain briefly how the answer is written in terms of toric data. The factorisation properties of the answer will be discussed and the relation to Nekrasov’s partition function will be explained. At the end I will discuss the modular properties of the partition function for the abelian example. If time allows I will make some comments on 6D and 7D calculations.

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