30 March 2016 to 22 April 2016
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

One-point functions in AdS/dCFT

8 Apr 2016, 15:15
AlbaNova, FA32 (Nordita, Stockholm)

AlbaNova, FA32

Nordita, Stockholm


Marius de Leeuw (NBI)


In this talk I will discuss one-point functions in the defect conformal field theory dual to a D3-D5 brane system with k units of world volume flux. In such a set-up scalar operators pick up a non-trivial vacuum expectation value. I will discuss how one can use integrability to compute these one-point functions for unprotected operators by expressing them as overlaps between Bethe eigenstates and a matrix product state. I will present a closed expression of determinant form for these one-point functions valid for any value of k. In particular, by using the transfer matrix of the Heisenberg spin chain, one can recursively relate the matrix product state for higher even and odd k to the matrix product state for k = 2 and k = 3. Furthermore, there is evidence that the matrix product states for k = 2 and k = 3 are related via a ratio of Baxter’s Q-operators.

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