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Workshop on the scientific opportunities of a THz-FEL in Sweden

AlbaNova University Center Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center Stockholm, Sweden

Mats Larsson
The main goal of the envisioned light source is to provide the Swedish research community with a first domestic THz FEL combined with an X-ray source. This will present a unique opportunity for time-resolved pump(THz)-probe(X-ray) measurements and make it an advanced instrument for multi-disciplinary research in physics, chemistry and bio-medicine. Electron bunches are accelerated in an RF linac to an energy of 10-20 MeV and compressed to a pulse length of 1-10 ps. These bunches are then used for generation of soft X-ray pulses, before they are sent through a bending arc and finally to the THz FEL oscillator.
A THZ FEL complemented with an X-ray source
Invited speakers
  • Monday 24 November
    • 1
      Registration and coffee
    • 2
      Welcome and introduction
      Speaker: Prof. Mats Larsson (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)
    • 3
      The FREIA laboratory and its future development
      Speaker: Tord Ekelöv (UU)
    • 4
      The new IR FEL facility at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin
      Speaker: Wieland Schöllkopf
    • 5
    • 6
      Design and scientific aims of the Swedish THz - FEL
      Speaker: Peter Salen (SU)
    • 7
      THz FEL gas-phase action spectroscopy of molecular backbone motion
      Speaker: Vasyl Yatsyna (GU)
    • 8
      THz electronics
      Speaker: Jan Stake
    • 9
    • 10
      Charge carrier dynamics of the Perovskite solar cell probed by time - resolved THz spectroscopy
      Speaker: Carlito Ponseca (LU)
    • 11
      Strong single - cycled THz fields
      Speaker: Stefano Bonetti (SU)
    • 12
      Spin dynamics simulations in the THz regime
      Speaker: Corina Etz (UU)
    • 13
    • 14
      THz ellipsometry and the optical Hall effect
      Speaker: Vanya Darakchieva (LiU)
    • 15
      Terahertz for biomedical applications: activities in the microwave group
      Speaker: Dragos Dancila
    • 16
      Spectroscopy of negative ions
      Speaker: Dag Hanstorp (GU)
    • 17
      Speaker: Peter van der Meulen (SU)
    • 18
      Conference dinner
  • Tuesday 25 November
    • 19
      Quest for Fröhlich’s condensation in protein molecules
      Speaker: Gergerly Katona (GU)
    • 20
      Short pulses or high energy resolution? At a crossroad for a THz FEL for spectroscopy
      Speaker: Olof Karis (UU)
    • 21
      Synthesis and characterization of carbon-based nano-materials: what can be done using THz spectroscopy?
      Speaker: Alexander Soldatov (LTU)
    • 22
      Time resolved wide angle X-ray scattering studies of ultrafast protein dynamics
      Speaker: Richard Neutze (GU)
    • 23
    • 24
      Stimulating surface chemical reactions with THz pulses
      Speaker: Anders Nilsson (SU)
    • 25
      To be announced
      Speaker: Stacey Sörensen (LU)
    • 26
      THz and Spectral X-ray imaging - Technologies and applications
      Speaker: Christer Fröjdh
    • 27
      Conclusions, final words and closure
      Speaker: Prof. Mats Larsson (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)
    • 28