The 6th annual Nordita Winter School on Theoretical Physics
7-16 January, 2015
AlbaNova, Stockholm, Sweden
The purpose of this winter school is to provide PHD students and young postdocs in the Nordic countries with introductory courses in a range of the most important topics in the field of theoretical particle physics. Furthermore, the school will provide a way to bring together students and young postdocs across different fields, research institutions and countries.
Topics of School
- Cosmology
- Dark Matter
- Neutrino Physics
- Black holes
- String theory
- Scattering Amplitudes
- Holography and AdS/CFT correspondence
- Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-Time
- Localization and Matrix Models
- P. Di Vecchia (Nordita)
- M. Frandsen (CP3 origins, SDU, Odense)
- T. Harmark (NBI, Copenhagen)
- H. Johansson (Nordita & Uppsala University)
- T. Koivisto (Nordita)
- J. Minahan (Uppsala University)
- M. Raidal (NICPB, Tallinn)
- T. Schwetz (Stockholm University)
- L. Thorlacius (University of Iceland & Stockholm University)
- K. Zarembo (Nordita)