David Tsang
Resonant Shattering Flares (RSFs) are expected to occur
during the inspiral phase for some NS-NS
and NS-BH mergers. They result from the resonant tidal
excitation of the NS crust-core interface
mode fracturing the crust and sparking a relativistic
pair-photon fireball, emitted seconds before the
RSFs are prompt, bright, and isotropic, allowing detection
and triggering from well beyond the
LIGO-horizon and may be an important source for detectable
electromagnetic counterparts to GW
mergers. When a GRB is present, they appear as pre-cursors
to the main flare, while for off-axis
systems they should appear as isolated under-luminous GRBs
with extremely short duration.
I will discuss the parameter space and detectable emissions
for RSFs compared to other
counterparts, as well as afterglow, detection, and
triggering strategies.