Jun 5 – 30, 2017
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Slides From Talks


  • Sylvain Chaty
    "Formation and evolution of supergiant High Mass X-ray Binaries"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Natasha Ivanova
    "Common envelope and compact binaries formation"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Marten van Kerkwijk
    "The variety of neutron-star, white-dwarf binaries and the maximum mass of neutron stars"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Andrew King
    "EM signals following binary black hole mergers"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Gavin Lamb
    "What GW detections can tell us about jet structure of short GRBs"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Jim Lattimer
    "brief review is made of the r-process and the historical development of ideas about its astrophysical origins"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Brian Metzger
    "Electromagnetic Counterparts of Neutron Star Mergers"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Cole Miller
    "The Astrophysics of the Gravitational Wave Detections"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Felix Mirabel
    "The formation of black holes in X-ray binaries and binary stellar black holes"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Phillip Moesta
    "Compact object formation in extreme core-collapse supernovae"
    Slides (PDF)

  • David Nichols
    "Gravitational-wave displacement and spin memory effects"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Eran Ofek
    "ULTRASAT and GW Target of opportunity"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Tsvi Piran
    "The Cocoon Emission - a bright electromagnetic counterpart to neutron star mergers"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Tony Piro
    "Exploring the Boundary Between Neutron Stars and Black Holes"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Phillip Podsiadlowski
    "Formation of Binary Black Hole mergers"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Luciano Rezzolla
    "The physics and astrophysics of neutron-star binaries: a report from Frankfurt"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Re'em Sari
    "Mass Transfer, Binary Evolution and Gravitational Waves"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Masaru Shibata
    "Mass ejection from neutron star mergers"
    Slides (PDF)

  • David Shoemaker
    "Gravitational Wave detectors: Accomplishments and Plans for the Future"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Mario Spera
    "Shedding light on the black hole mass spectrum"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Thomas Tauris
    "Formation of Double Neutron Stars"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Silvia Toonen
    "Binary Black Hole Mergers from Field Triples: Properties, Rates, and the Impact of Stellar Evolution"
    Slides (PDF)

  • David Tsang
    "Resonant Shattering Flares as EM Counterparts"
    Slides (PDF)