The SoftiMAX beamline at MAX IV: Soft X-ray imaging for materials and life-science
Jörg Schwenke(MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University), Karina Schulte(MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University)
SoftiMAX is a state-of-the-art beamline with two branches for scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) and coherent x-ray imaging (CXI) techniques at the 3 GeV ring of MAX IV. The beamline will deliver a very high coherent flux between 270 eV and 2500 eV with full polarization control. We envision a wide range of imaging modes to serve applications across the materials and life science communities: The STXM-branch will offer spectromicroscopy contrast on the basis of chemically specific x-ray absorption and x-ray fluorescence detection. It will also allow for extremely high spatial resolution absorption and phase contrast imaging using the ptychography method. The sample environment will have a liquid-nitrogen cryostat with attached cry-transfer system, and a rotation stage for tomography measurements. The CXI end-station is envisioned to provide full-field imaging capabilities, such as Fourier-transform holography. The implementation of a reflectometer is also under consideration, which would allow for imaging and spectroscopy in reflection. This end-station will also have an adjustable and rotatable static magnetic field, and there is the possibility to implement a liquid helium cryostat. In this seminar we will present our plans for the beamline and present the scientific case. We are very interested in a discussion of the scientific applications at the two branches and are open to suggestions for additional features or changes in the implementation.