22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Star Formation in the outer M83 XUV disk

25 Aug 2016, 11:15
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Isadora Chaves Bicalho (Observatoire de Paris)


The spatially resolved star formation law has been studied in great detail in galaxies in recent years. At high surface density, when most of the gas is molecular, the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation is almost linear providing a constant gas consumption time-scale of about 3Gyr (e.g Bigiel et al. 2011, Saintonge et al 2011). However the star formation efficiency (SFE) falls very quickly when the surface density drops below 10Mo/pc2, and the gas is mainly atomic. The star formation rate (SFR) becomes a highly non-linear function of gas density, and the depletion time-scale is several Gyrs up to Hubble time. This is the case for dwarf galaxies and the most external parts of disk galaxies (Bigiel et al 2010), where the low gas density, low temperature and low metallicity conditions resemble early galaxies in the universe. Recent star formation within such environments was detected in H-alpha (one of the main star formation tracer). However, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) data demonstrate that H-alpha observations, tracing ~10Myr SF, still fail to detect a significant population of moderate-age stars in the outermost disks of spiral galaxies. Our aim is to detect the corresponding molecular gas expected in these regions. One remarkable example is M83, a nearby galaxy with an extend XUV disk reaching 2 times the optical major radius (Gil de Paz et al. 2007). However, our progress in understanding these XUV disks has been halted by the difficulty of detecting molecular gas via CO emission. In particular, no highly significant (>5sigma) CO emission was detect in ALMA maps of the XUV disk of M83 when we expected to detect 20-30 molecular clouds with SNR > 17. We hypothesize that the molecular clouds in the ALMA data are CO-dark, caused by the strong UV radiation field, which dissociates CO preferentially, keeping the H2 gas intact.

Primary author

Isadora Chaves Bicalho (Observatoire de Paris)


Celia Verdugo (ALMA Observatory) Françoise Combes (Observatoire de Paris) Monica Rubio (Universidad de Chile) Philippe Salome (Observatoire de Paris)

Presentation materials