22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Radial variations in elliptical galaxy stellar populations - constraints on mass-assembly from infrared spectroscopy

25 Aug 2016, 12:45
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Alton Padraig (Durham University)


Massive elliptical galaxies are thought to form in two stages - first, the formation of a central core via fast dissipative processes by z~2, followed by the accumulation of mass through (mostly minor) dry mergers. A combination of evidence from spectroscopy, lensing, and stellar dynamics appears to suggest that in the most massive central cores stars form according to a 'bottom-heavy' IMF (i.e. an excess of dwarf stars are formed relative to the Milky-Way stellar populations). This has implications for the inferred M/L ratio (and thus the SFR estimated for these systems at high redshift), and also for the future evolution of these systems since the IMF controls e.g. the SNe rate. The accumulation of mass via minor mergers ought to introduce radial gradients in the inferred IMF for present-day massive ellipticals (since lower mass systems are thought to form stars according to a Milky-Way-like IMF). Likewise, both dissipative collapse and minor mergers should introduce e.g. radial metallicity gradients. Both of these are in principle detectable through spatially-resolved spectroscopy. I will present infrared spectroscopy from VLT-KMOS for a sample of local massive ellipticals (Alton et al. 2016 - submitted to MNRAS), showing that IMF gradients are not significant within the half-light radii of these systems (although chemical abundance gradients are present). Taken in concert with evidence for a bottom-heavy IMF in these systems, this appears to indicate that minor mergers deposit mass primarily beyond the present-day half-light radii. Meanwhile, the stellar population within the effective radius is inferred to be dwarf-enriched throughout.

Primary author

Alton Padraig (Durham University)

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