22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Blustering and Blasting - Stellar feedback and its Chemical Tracers

24 Aug 2016, 12:00
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Peter Creasey (University of California at Riverside (UCR))


The mechanisms of feedback in which Milky-Way and smaller galaxies are regulated by events on scales of parsecs and below is still poorly understood. In this talk I will look at hydrodynamical simulations on cosmological and interstellar medium scales and tease out some of the dynamical and chemical indicators at small and large (galaxy population) scales that can be used to identify the culprits of the low efficiency of star formation.

Primary author

Peter Creasey (University of California at Riverside (UCR))

Presentation materials