22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Cluster formation and evolution in M51

22 Aug 2016, 16:25
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Matteo Messa (Stockholm University)


While star formation has been long studied on the single-star scale and on the galaxy scale, the link between these two widely separated scales still needs to be firmly established. We use the new high-resolution NUV and U band HST observations from LEGUS (Legacy Extra Galactic UV Survey) to study the nearby interacting spiral galaxy M51 at the intermediate scale of the star cluster population. It has been recently pointed out that the environment can affect the formation and evolution processes of the star clusters. The exquisite high quality multiband coverage of M51 (NUV,U,B,V,I bands) is providing luminosities, ages, masses, and extinctions of the huge cluster population sample. We analyzed this sample as function of different environments of the galaxy, in order to understand how the cluster properties change as function of the environment where they form and interact; this gives an insight on how the star formation process at this intermediate scale is affected by the galactic environment.

Primary author

Matteo Messa (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials