22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Starbursting Dwarf Galaxies: Back in the Spotlight (I)

25 Aug 2016, 14:30
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Janice Lee (Space Telescope Science Institute)


Since the discovery of "isolated extragalactic H II regions" by Sargent & Searle in 1970, low mass dwarf galaxies experiencing intense bursts of star formation have periodically become the subject of frenetic research because of their unusual and discordant properties. Today, the study of massive star formation and its impact on the interstellar medium seems to be at a major crossroad, with starbursting dwarf galaxies back in the spotlight. Stabursting dwarfs seem to be the key to understanding a range of phenomena, from the escape of ionizing photons, to the origins of superluminous supernovae and gamma ray bursts, to the formation of the most massive stars. In this talk, I will review recent findings involving dwarf starbursting galaxies, and speculate on the propensity of their environments to favor the formation of high mass stars at increased efficiency.

Primary author

Janice Lee (Space Telescope Science Institute)

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