22–26 Aug 2016
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The scaling laws of star-formation on galactic scales (I)

25 Aug 2016, 09:00
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Amelie Saintonge (University College London)


Over the past 5 years, it has become possible to assemble measurements of molecular gas in large samples of normal star-forming galaxies up to z=2. These observations have been key in establishing the currently favoured model for galaxy evolution, which is centered around the cycling of gas in and out of galaxies and the efficiency of the star formation process. While star formation is a physical process taking place on very small scales, significant insights can be gained by systematic studies of the scaling relations between gas, star formation, and global galaxy properties. In this talk I will review some of these key observations at both low and high redshifts, and how they are shaping our understanding of how, when and where galaxies form their stars.

Primary author

Amelie Saintonge (University College London)

Presentation materials