12–18 Aug 2017
Hillerød, Denmark
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Reading Material


Kandaswamy Subramanian - Slides and Reading material

Here are some review papers which will be useful reading along with the lectures. They should be freely available on the arXiv.

  • "Astrophysical magnetic fields and nonlinear dynamo theory", Axel Brandenburg, Kandaswamy Subramanian, (Section 1-3, basic observations and MHD), arXiv:0405052.
  • "Magnetizing the universe", Kandaswamy Subramanian, (A short review of origin of cosmic magnetic fields), arXiv:0802.2804.
  • "Magnetic field of Galaxies", Rainer Beck, (Observations of Galactic fields), arXiv:1509.04522.
  • "Introduction to galactic dynamos", Anvar Shukurov, (Review of galactic dynamos), arXiv:0411739.

Michael Berry - Reading material

Prof Berry has suggested that there is no need for reading before the lectures, but students may wish to read the following papers which are related to the material:

Numbers # denote items on the list of publications on Prof. Berry's home page. They also appear in the slides from the Masterclass talks as references.

Note for copyright reasons: When citing these papers, please use their original publication details; do not cite the web page

  • Nye, J F, & Berry, M V, 1974, ‘Dislocations in wave trains’, Proc. R. Soc. A 336, 165-90. #34
  • Berry, M V, 1981, ‘Singularities in Waves’ in Les Houches Lecture Series Session XXXV, eds. R Balian, M Kléman and J-P Poirier, North-Holland: Amsterdam, 453-543. #105
  • Berry, M V, 1994, ‘Faster than Fourier’, in ‘Quantum Coherence and Reality; in celebration of the 60th Birthday of Yakir Aharonov’ (J S Anandan and J L Safko, eds.) World Scientific, Singapore, pp 55-65. #262
  • Berry, M V, 1994, ‘Evanescent and real waves in quantum billiards, and Gaussian Beams’, J.Phys.A 27, L391-L398. #252
  • Berry, M V & Popescu, S, 2006, 'Evolution of quantum superoscillations, and optical superresolution without evanescent waves', J.Phys.A 39 6965-6977. #388
  • Berry, M V, 2008, 'Waves near zeros' in Coherence and Quantum Optics IX (The Optical Society of America, Washington DC, eds: N P Bigelow, J H Eberly, C R Stroud Jr), 37-41. #404
  • Berry, M V & Dennis, M R, 2009, ‘Natural superoscillations in monochromatic waves in D dimensions’, J Phys A 42 022003. #412
  • Berry M V & Shukla P 2010 ‘Typical weak and superweak values’, J Phys A 43 354024 (9pp). #429
  • Berry, M V 2010 ‘Quantum backflow, negative kinetic energy, and optical retro-propagation’, J.Phys.A 43 415302 (15pp). #431
  • Berry, M V, Dennis, M R, McRoberts, B & Shukla, P, 2011, ‘Weak value distributions for spin 1⁄2’, J.Phys.A 44, 205301. #437
  • Berry, M V, Brunner, N, Popescu, S & Shukla, P ‘Can apparent neutrino superluminal speeds be explained as a quantum weak measurement?’’, J. Phys.A, 44 492001 (5pp). #443
  • Berry, M V & Shukla, Pragya 2012 ‘Pointer supershifts and superoscillations in weak measurements’, J Phys A 45 015301 (14pp). #445
  • Berry, M V 2012 ‘Superluminal speeds for relativistic quantum waves’, J. Phys. A 45, 185308 (14pp) #449
  • Berry, M V 2013, 'A note on superoscillations associated with Bessel beams', J Optics 15, 0440061 (15pp). #457
  • Berry, M V, 2013, ‘Exact nonparaxial transmission of subwavelength detail using superoscillations’, J. Phys. A, 46, 205203 (15pp). #461
  • Berry, M V, 2013, ‘Five momenta’, Eur. J. Phys., 34,1337-1348. #463
  • Berry, M V 2013, 'Superoscillations, endfire and supergain', in Quantum Theory: a Two-Time Success Story; Yakir Aharonov Festschrift (editors: D Struppa & J Tollaksen) (Springer) pp327-336. #467
  • Barnett, S M & Berry, M V, 2013, ‘Superweak momentum transfer near optical vortices’, J. Opt. 15 125701 (6pp). #468
  • Berry, M V & Moiseyev, N, 2014, ‘Superoscillations and supershifts in phase space: Wigner and Husimi function interpretations’, J Phys A 47, 315203 (14pp). #473
  • Berry, M V, 2016, ‘Representing superoscillations and narrow Gaussians with elementary functions’, submitted to Milan Journal of Mathematics, April 2016
  • Berry, M V, 2017, ‘Suppression of superoscillations by noise’, J. Phys. A, 50 025003 #494
  • Berry, M V, & Morley-Short, S, 2017, ‘Representing fractals by superoscillations’, J. Phys. A, 50 22LT01 #499

R. Shankar - Reading material

Prof Shankar has asked that, before the lectures, all students look at Sections I, II, and III from the following paper: