20 August 2018 to 14 September 2018
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Slow relaxation and diffusion in holographic quantum critical phases

21 Aug 2018, 14:00
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Richard Davison (Harvard)


In many-body quantum systems with strong interactions, the timescale governing transport is typically expected to be short and set by the inverse temperature. For example, in many holographic quantum critical phases of matter the thermal diffusivity (in appropriate units) is set by the inverse temperature. However, there are a simple class of such phases where this is not the case. I will discuss these phases and show that they have a collective excitation whose lifetime is parametrically longer than the inverse temperature. The lifetime of this excitation is enhanced due to its sensitivity to an irrelevant deformation, and I will show that it is this lifetime which ultimately governs the thermal diffusivity in these phases.

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