20 August 2018 to 14 September 2018
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A quantum hydrodynamical description for chaos

3 Sept 2018, 13:30
FB42 (Albanova) (Nordita, Stockholm)

FB42 (Albanova)

Nordita, Stockholm


Michael Blake (MIT)


Rapid progress in calculating out-of-time ordered correlation functions in holographic theories and solvable models like the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model has led to new characterisations of chaos in quantum many-body systems. However, a unified description of this behaviour is so far lacking. Here I will discuss a recent proposal for an effective field theory description of chaos in terms of `quantum hydrodynamics'. In this approach the scrambling of quantum information (i.e. chaos) arises from interactions between generic operators and hydrodynamic fluctuations.

Presentation materials