20 August 2018 to 14 September 2018
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Solvable models of correlated metals with interactions and disorder, and their transport properties

11 Sept 2018, 10:30
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Aavishkar Patel (Harvard)


Despite much theoretical effort, there is no complete theory of the “strange” metal phase of the high temperature superconductors, and its linear-in-temperature resistivity. This phase is believed to be a strongly-interacting metallic phase of matter without fermionic quasiparticles, and is virtually impossible to model accurately using traditional perturbative field-theoretic techniques. Recently, progress has been made using large-N techniques based on the solvable Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, which do not involve expanding about any weakly-coupled limit. I will describe constructions of solvable models of strange metals based on SYK-like large-N limits, which can reproduce some of the experimentally observed features of strange metals and adjoining phases. These models, and further extensions, could possibly pave the way to developing a controlled theoretical understanding of the essential building blocks of the electronic state in correlated-electron superconductors near optimal doping.

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