6–7 Nov 2017
Geovetenskapens hus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

When the NMSSM Meets the LHC: Conventional Higgs Searches and the Power of Mono-Higgs

7 Nov 2017, 09:30
DeGeersalen (Geovetenskapens hus)


Geovetenskapens hus

Svante Arrhenius väg 14 Stockholm, Sweden


Sebastian Baum (Stockholm Universitet)


The Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) augments the MSSM particle content with an additional singlet superfield. The 125 GeV Standard Model-like Higgs and naturalness generically prefer regions of NMSSM parameter space featuring a light Higgs and neutralino spectrum as well as large couplings between the Higgs doublets and the NMSSM singlet. The additional states and large couplings modify the collider phenomenology of the NMSSM's Higgs sector substantially with respect to the MSSM. This warrants specific search strategies beyond those for MSSM Higgses. I will discuss how Higgs to Higgs and Higgs to neutralino decays can be employed to search for the NMSSM at the LHC. In particular, I will show the potential of the mono-Higgs signature to explore interesting regions of NMSSM parameter space.

Primary author

Sebastian Baum (Stockholm Universitet)

Presentation materials