6–7 Nov 2017
Geovetenskapens hus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

SPHiNX - a satellite-based GRB polarimeter

6 Nov 2017, 10:45
DeGeersalen (Geovetenskapens hus)


Geovetenskapens hus

Svante Arrhenius väg 14 Stockholm, Sweden


Nirmal Kumar Iyer (KTH)


The study of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) has taken significant strides since GRBs were first reported by the Vela satellite mission in the 1970s. The Fermi and Swift satellite missions have enabled prompt localisation (imaging), high time resolution lightcurves (timing) and wideband spectral (spectroscopy) studies of the GRB. Despite the advances made in imaging, timing and spectroscopic studies, a number of questions concerning the emission mechanisms of the GRBs remain unanswered. A study of the polarisation signatures of different GRBs promises to answer some of these open questions. ​ The Satellite Polarimeter for High eNergy X-rays (SPHiNX) is a high energy polarimeter proposed to SNSB as the second Innosat mission. This is a dedicated satellite mission for monitoring and studying GRB polarisation signatures. This talk will give an overview of the design principles and working strategy of SPHiNX. Results from Geant4 based Monte-Carlo simulation studies of the polarimeter design will also be presented. The simulations demonstrate the ability of SPHiNX to detect polarisation (in the presence of high energy photon and charged particle backgrounds) and make use of these detections to understand the emission mechanism behind different GRBs. This talk will present the simulation methods, obtained results and resulting scientific interpretations from the SPHiNX mission in detail.

Primary author

Nirmal Kumar Iyer (KTH)


SPHiNX collaboration (KTH)

Presentation materials