6–7 Nov 2017
Geovetenskapens hus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The physics case of the proposed large Water Cherenkov Detector GRIPnu

6 Nov 2017, 11:30
DeGeersalen (Geovetenskapens hus)


Geovetenskapens hus

Svante Arrhenius väg 14 Stockholm, Sweden


Prof. Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala universitet)


Searching for a difference between neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations may open the way towards new fundamental physics and an explanation of why the world is made of only matter and no anti-matter. To discover such a difference, the development of a very large neutrino detector and a uniquely high-intensity neutrino beam is needed. The same detector will make possible investigations of cross-disciplinary phenomena like the energy generating processes in the Sun, the mechanism of Supernovae explosions and the radiogenic heating in the Earth's interior. The planned location of the neutrino detector, called GRIPnu, is in the Garpenberg mine in Dalarna. Physicists from Sweden, France, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Poland, Switzerland and United Kingdom participate in the EU H2020-supported Design Study of this neutrino research infrastructure. The presentation will give an overview of the physics case of the GRIPnu neutrino detector.

Primary author

Prof. Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala universitet)

Presentation materials