9:00 AM
Welcome and introduction (J. Weissenrieder)
9:10 AM
Anna Delin: Quantum materials - an overview
9:50 AM
Hermann Dürr: Non-equilibrium nanoscale control of charge, spin and lattice motion in magnetic materials
10:30 AM
Coffee break
10:50 AM
Serguei Molodtsov: European XFEL: Superior tool for studying correlated quantum materials
11:20 AM
Balasubramian Thiagarajan: Capabilities and status of Bloch, Veritas and Softi MAX beamlines at MAX IV
11:50 AM
1:00 PM
Pascale Deen: Neutrons and quantum materials
1:30 PM
Tsuyoshi Kimura: Magnetoelectric effect in visible light range due to ferroic order of magnetoelectric-active multipole moments
2:00 PM
Johan H. Mentink: Simulating ultrafast quantum magnetism with machine learning
2:30 PM
Peter Hedström: Swedish beamline at Petra III
2:50 PM
Coffee break
3:15 PM
Atac Imamoglu: Physics with atomically thin mirrors