May 4 – 15, 2020
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


Fracture has traditionally been an engineering subject, with the exception of geophysical problems such as earthquakes and fault networks. Over the last 30 years the physics community has taken an interest in the fracture as a complex phenomenon related to phase transitions and pattern formation.

The resulting studies have employed tools from condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. Lately, an increasing number of experiments have also been conducted to look at fracture phenomena: statistical properties, pattern formation, thermal effects, thermal weakening, coupling to fluid flow and other such “multiphysics” problems and so forth.

One physics-related approach is to study earthquakes in the laboratory, by designing analogues of large-scale phenomena and/or focusing on a particular phenomenon that can be identified and studied in detail “on the bench”.

Recent progress in new experimental techniques, model systems, and in theories describing fracture now makes it timely to organize a forum where experimentalists and theorists working on the physics of fracture get to meet.

The program should also have participants from important application fields (geosciences, materials science of fracture) to foster exchanges of ideas and create new openings.

Preliminary program

We aim at an informal program of about two invited presentations per day, one in the mornings and one in the (early) afternoons, highlighting recent exciting results, and open or unsolved problems. In addition, a two-day international focus workshop on Complexity in the physics of fracture with a more intense program is planned for 7 - 8 May, 2020.

Sponsored by:

The program is sponsored by Nordita and CECAM-FI.

Nordita, Stockholm