
Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Street address: Al. Lotnikow 32/46 , in Warsaw, Poland.
Warsaw is easily reachable by air from all major cities world-wide and by ground transportation in Europe. The venue is located in the south part of the city approx. 5 km from Warsaw international airport (Warsaw Chopin Airport).
Scope, Objective, Audience and Format
The objective of the workshop is highlight the computational power and investigate possible practical applications of quantum computing devices consisting of a limited number of imperfect qubits.
The scope of the workshop is all theoretical, experimental, computational and conceptual approaches to the problem. Contributions from all branches of physics, mathematics information theory and computer science that have bearing on the objective are welcome. Both positive and negative results ("no-go theorems") are in scope.
The format of the workshop will be invited talks complemented by the poster session.
Note: Just prior to the workshop there will be a complementary event "CTP Quantum Information Days 2020" taking place at the same venue. More information can be found here.
[Timetable - will be made available later]
Invited speakers
Robert Alicki | University of Gdańsk | |
Andris Ambainis | University of Latvia | |
Dan Browne | University College London | |
Wojciech Burkot | Beit | |
Juani Bermejo-Vega | University of Granada | |
Giulio Chiribella | University of Oxford | (to be confirmed) |
Jens Eisert | Freie Universitat Berlin | |
Markus Grassl | University of Gdańsk | |
Ryszard Horodecki | University of Gdańsk | (to be confirmed) |
Grzegorz Kasprowicz | Creotech | |
Robert Koenig | TU Munich | |
Barbara Kraus | Universität Innsbruck | |
Jan-Åke Larsson | Linköping University | |
Maciek Lewenstein | ICFO Barcelona | |
Mio Murao | University of Tokyo | |
Mikko Möttönen | Aalto University | |
Kae Nemoto | National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo | |
Wojciech Roga | NICT, Tokyo | |
Filip Wudarski | NASA | |
Mário Ziman | Institute of Physics SAS | |
Zoltan Zimboras | Wigner Institute |
Participation and registration
Registration is open to all researchers inside and outside academia. Selected participants will be notified by the organization committee shortly after registration will close.
To register, follow the tab on the left (or this link). There is no registration fee.
Participation Fee
Regular participants | 1000 PLN (~250 Euro) |
PhD students | 450 PLN (~ 100 Euro) |
Undergraduate students | Free |
After registration the participants will be required to perform the payment via bank transfer (the details will be announced latter).
In justified cases the Organizing Committee can reduce or entirely waive the participation fee for selected participants. Please write nisq2020@cft.edu.pl for more details.
We expect all participants to cover their own travel expenses. The organizing committee will arrange accommodation for invited speakers. We ask other participants to to arrange accommodation by themselves. For out-of-town and non-Polish participants we recommend Booking.com, airbnb, or other international companies/services.
Sponsored by:
The workshop is funded by the Foundation for Polish Science through the TEAM-NET project Near-term quantum computers: Challenges, optimal implementations and applications (contract no. POIR.04.04.00-00-17C1/18-00). We gratefully acknowledge support from the European Funds Smart Growth initiative, the Republic of Poland, the Foundation for Polish Science and by the European Union through the European regional development fund, and by Nordita for web hosting through the Indico system.