OKC BSM meeting (zoom only - no physical room!)

A5:1003 (AlbaNova)



Ohm Christian (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Tim Linden (employee@su.se;member@su.se)

Zoom connection details:


Meeting ID: 104 167 778

    • 11:00 11:05
      Brief news 5m
      Speakers: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Tim Linden (employee@su.se;member@su.se)
    • 11:05 11:25
      Paper discussion: "Axion-Photon Conversion in Neutron Star Magnetospheres: The Role of the Plasma in the Goldreich-Julian Model" 20m

      Thomas will talk about his recent paper!

    • 11:25 11:45
      Instrumentation at OKC - and the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap 20m

      Long-term planning efforts for particle physics and related fields have recently been completed in Europe and is ongoing in the US. As part of the plan for enabling future facilities, R&D is needed on detectors and instrumentation. Right now ECFA is establishing a roadmap for instrumentation development, centered around a series of symposia - how does this relate to activities in OKC?

      Speaker: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)