12–25 Jun 2022
Högberga Gård
Europe/Stockholm timezone

New physics with superconductor-semiconductor hybrids

14 Jun 2022, 10:45
Fåhraeus salen (Högberga Gård)

Fåhraeus salen

Högberga Gård

Grindstigen 5-6 181 62 Lidingö


Prof. Charles Marcus (University of Copenhagen)


In these lectures, I will discuss the consequences of a recent breakthrough in material science, the growth of heterostructures containing superconductors and semiconductors. This includes studies of basic condensed matter physics, such as the superconductor-insulator transition and the so-called anomalous metal phase, to Majorana zero modes and gatemon qubits. In keeping with the theme of the workshop, I will emphasize resent results and opportunities in creating “designer networks” of Josephson junctions.

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