12–25 Jun 2022
Högberga Gård
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Metamaterials: from left-handed media to hyperbolic metamaterials

22 Jun 2022, 10:45
Fåhraeus salen (Högberga Gård)

Fåhraeus salen

Högberga Gård

Grindstigen 5-6 181 62 Lidingö


Prof. Pavel Belov (ITMO University)


The metamaterials are artificially created materials with electromagnetic properties not readily available in natural media. The metamaterials allow to control electromagnetic waves in unprecedented ways: one can create flat lenses with subwavelength resolution, dramatically modify spontaneous emission of quantum sources via Purcell effect, negatively refract plane waves and invert phase velocity of light. These effects which seemed impossible for a long time now become common and many new devices start to employ them. The special kind of metamaterials, so-called wire medtamaterials are composed of metallic wires and behave as artificial plasma and feature effects of strong spatial dispersion not observable in any other media. The wire media have found tremendous number of application ranging from magnetic resonance imaging to axion detection. The evolution of metamaterials also led to wide use of their 2d counterparts – metasurfaces. With the help of these planar artificial interfaces one can rotate polarization, filter, refract, focus and localize electromagnetic waves and build many functional devices for variety of diverse applications. Basically, the metamaterials and metasurfaces opened a fundamentally new way to manipulation of electromagnetic waves.

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