Conformal Field Theory Approach to Quantum Hall Physics - Non-Abelian Statistics and Quantum Computing

122:026 (Nordita)



Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
Eddy Ardonne (Nordita), T. Hans Hansson (Stockholm University)
Conformal field theory (CFT) is a body of mathematics that was originally developed in close connection to string theory. In the last decade CFT techniques have become increasingly important to describe exotic states in the quantum Hall system and also in rapidly rotating Bose condensates. Particularly intriguing is the possibility to use the non-Abelian statistics of the quasiparticles in these systems in the context of quantum computing. The aim of the proposed conference is to bring together experts in quantum Hall physics, rotating Bose condensates, and applied conformal field theory, to give a set of talks that will cover the most recent advances in the field.

Link to the slides of the talks.

    • Opening 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      Opening & practical announcements

    • Lunch 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Eduardo Fradkin: Entanglement Entropy at 2D quantum critical points, topological fluids and Chern-Simons theories 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      The entanglement entropy of a pure quantum state of a bipartite system is
      defined as the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density matrix obtained by
      tracing over one of the two parts. Critical ground states of local Hamiltonians in
      one dimension have entanglement that diverges logarithmically in the
      subsystem size, with a universal coefficient that is is related to the central
      charge of the associated conformal field theory. In this talk I will discuss the
      extension of these ideas to two dimensional systems, either at a special
      quantum critical point or in a topological phase. We find the entanglement
      entropy for a standard class of z=2 quantum critical points in two spatial
      dimensions with scale invariant ground state wave functions: in addition to a
      nonuniversal ``area law'' contribution proportional to the size of the boundary
      of the region under observation, there is generically a universal logarithmically
      divergent correction. This logarithmic term is completely determined by the
      geometry of the partition into subsystems and the central charge of the field
      theory that describes the equal-time correlations of the critical wavefunction.
      On the other hand, in a topological phase there is no such logarithmic term but
      instead a universal constant term. We will discuss the connection between this
      universal entanglement entropy and the nature of the topological phase. The
      application of these ideas to quantum dimer models, fractional quantum Hall
      states, and Chern-Simons theories will be discussed.

    • Joost Slingerland: Condensate induced transitions between topological phases 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Free discussions 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Reception 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Alan Luther: The Future of Bosonization in 1,2, and 3 space dimensions 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Maria Hermanns: Conformal field theory approach to the abelian hierarchy 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Lunch 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Eun-Ah Kim: In search of topological phases with non-abelian excitations 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      Topological phases are characterized by emergence of topological invariance in
      their low-energy, long-distance physics. The very fact that we can postulate
      states with properties insensitive to local perturbations itself is remarkable.
      Recent proposals for using non-abelian excitations for decoherence free
      quantum computation added further enthusiasm. In this talk I will discuss two
      candidate systems for hosting non-abelian excitations: fractional quantum Hall
      states and Sr2RuO4. I will first give an overview of the connection between
      topology and fractionalized excitations and highlight common features between
      these two very different systems. Then I will discuss our recent proposal for
      detecting non-abelian statistics. Before closing the talk, I will bring out open
      questions critical for harnessing and exploiting these exotic excitations.

    • Jiri Vala: Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model on torus 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      J. Vala, G. Kells, A.T. Bolukbasi, N. Moran

      Department of Mathematical Physics

      National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

      We investigate low energy spectral properties of quantum lattice models which
      are believed to form topologically ordered states known also as topological
      phases. Our particular focus is on the Kitaev honeycomb spin-1/2 lattice model
      [1]. In the absence of external magnetic field, the model is exactly solvable on a
      plane and its phase diagram exhibits a gapless phase and an abelian topological
      phase whose effective description is given by the Z2 x Z2 topological field
      theory. As known from the perturbation theory, a weak magnetic field has no
      dramatic effect on the abelian topological phase but turns the gapless phase into
      a non-abelian topological phase whose effective description is given by the
      SU(2)2 Chern-Simons theory. The quasiparticle excitations of this phase are
      nonabelian anyons satisfying the Ising fusion rules.

      We particularly study the Kitaev honeycomb lattice on torus [2]. We describe
      symmetries of this model and review the perturbative mapping of its abelian
      topological phase onto the Z2 x Z2 square lattice model known as the toric
      code. Within the same framework, we provide the classification of finite size
      effects on the model low-energy spectral properties [3]. In this context, special
      attention is given to the thin-torus limit. We then investigate properties of the
      model’s vortex excitations. We complete this part with discussion of topological
      degeneracy of the model on torus [2].

      We then proceed to numerical investigation of the non-abelian topological phase
      in the perturbative limit of weak magnetic field [4] and beyond. The weak field is
      modeled by an effective three body interaction term which does not commute
      with the bare Hamiltonian but commutes with the vortex operators. In this
      regime, we observe that the magnetic field is able to induce level crossing of
      states belonging to the same vortex sector. We also investigate the model in
      strong field regime modeled by the full Zeeman term which allows for dynamics
      of vortices.

      We conclude with discussion of the topological phase transitions in the model
      and brief review of other lattice models whose low energy spectra provide
      realization of topological field theories.

      [1] A. Kitaev, Ann. Phys. 321, 2 (2006).

      [2] G. Kells et al., Topological Degeneracy and Vortex Manipulation in the Kitaev
      Honeycomb Model, submitted (2008) (2008).

      [3] G. Kells et al., Finite-size Effects in Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model, in

      [4] V. Lahtinen et al, Spectrum of the Non-Abelian Phase in Kitaev’s Honeycomb
      Lattice Model, Ann. Phys. (2008), in press;

    • Free discussions 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Conference dinner 3rd floor, in front of the Restaurant (Fysikum)

      3rd floor, in front of the Restaurant


      Roslagstullsbacken 21
    • Janik Kailasvuori: Counting nonabelian Read-Rezayi states on the thin torus 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      The talk presents recently published work (Ardonne, Bergholtz, Kailasvuori and
      Wikberg, JSTAT, P04016 (2008)) on a simple way of counting the degeneracy of
      Read-Rezayi states with nonabelian quasiparticles. The counting is done in the
      lowest Landau level on a thin torus, where only the electrostatic part of the
      two-body interaction survives and the eigenstates are represented by one-
      dimensional Fock-representations with simple periodic patterns. The number of
      different periodic patterns reproduces correctly the ground state degeneracy,
      and counting the different kinds of domain walls gives the degeneracy in the
      presence of quasiparticles. The combinatorics can be represented by Bratteli
      diagrams. We also point out the connection to the same counting done with

    • Andrei Bernevig: Jack Polynomials and Non-Abelian FQH States 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      We describe a general family of non-Abelian FQHE states at \nu = k/(km + r)
      with polynomial wavefunctions \prod_{i<j}(z_i- z_j)^m J_\lambda^\alpha (z1;...; zN) where J_\lambda^\alpha is a symmetric Jack polynomial with negative (coprime) rational parameter \alpha =-(k+1)/(r-1), and \lambda is a compressed partition. These polynomials are dominated by an occupation- number pattern maximally-obeying the generalized Pauili rule that no (consecutive) group of (km + r) orbitals contains more than k particles and (m>0) no group of m orbitals contains more than one. This exclusion rule
      defines a space of polynomials characterized by how they vanish as clusters of
      particle coordinates contract to a point. The edge of these FQHE states has a
      fractionally-quantized thermal Hall effect with c^{eff} = k(r + 1)/(k + r),
      derived from the exclusion rule. The r = 2 family are the Laughlin, Moore-Read,
      and Read-Rezayi states, related to unitary conformal field theories. The r > 2
      families are related to non-unitary W^{k+1;k+r}_k cft, but (as polynomials)
      have well-defined (not obtainable from CFT) quasi-hole propagators, which
      overcomes the principal objection to the proposition that non-unitary cft's can
      describe FQHE states. The m = 1, r = k + 1 set are a non-Abelian alternative
      construction of states at 2/5,3/7,4/9, . . . .. We also present model
      wavefunctions for quasiparticle (as opposed to quasihole) excitations of the
      $Z_k$ parafermion sequence (Laughlin/Moore-Read/Read-Rezayi) of Fractional
      Quantum Hall states. These states satisfy two generalized clustering conditions:
      they vanish when either a cluster of $k+2$ electrons is put together, or when
      two clusters of $k+1$ electrons are formed at different positions. For Abelian
      Fractional Quantum Hall states ($k=1$), our construction reproduces the Jain
      quasielectron wavefunction, and elucidates the difference between the Jain and
      Laughlin quasiparticle constructions. For two (or more) quasiparticles, our states
      differ from those constructed using Jain's method. By adding our quasiparticles
      to the Laughlin state, we obtain a hierarchy scheme which gives rise to a non
      abelian Jack $\nu=\frac{2}{5}$ FQH state (same as the Gaffnian) with great
      overlap with the Jain states.

    • Lunch 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Paul Fendley: Topological order from quantum loops and nets 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Free discussions 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden
    • Johan Engquist: Algebraic aspects of anyons 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      We discuss a deformed oscillator algebra relevant for the many-anyon problem. It
      is a certain generalization of the deformed Heisenberg algebra underlying the
      Calogero model and hence the description of anyons in the lowest Landau level.
      We present the spectrum for two and three anyons and show that the anyon
      weight lattices, even though they are ``skew'', are connected by application of
      raising and annihilation operators of the algebra. The construction correctly
      describes the anyonic energy spectra for all states up to linear order in the
      statistical parameter.

    • Parsa Bonderson: Measurement-Only Topological Quantum Computation 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden

      The topological approach to quantum computing derives intrinsic fault-tolerance by
      encoding qubits in the non-local state spaces of non-Abelian anyons. The original
      prescription required topological charge measurement for qubit readout, and used
      braiding exchanges of anyons to execute computational gates. We present an
      anyonic analog of quantum state teleportation, and use it to show how a series of
      topological charge measurements may replace the physical transportation of
      computational anyons in the implementation of computational gates.

    • Closing remarks 122:026



      Roslagstullsbacken 23 (and 17) 106-91 Stockholm Sweden