OKC BSM meeting (hybrid)

Fysikum equipment

Fysikum equipment


It's my pleasure to organize our next regular BSM meeting on Thursday, June 9th at 11 am.

I will discuss the possibility of the existence of a new state of matter, that contains strange quarks, and could be a stable, or long lived form of matter.

Some intriguing questions are its production in the early universe, and today, as well as methods of searching for such matter states.

The room that we have booked is A5:1003

The zoom option is:


As a literature background I suggest:

1) this classic paper by Ed Witten:


2) Then some more recent work on the phenomenology and nuclear stability in the presence of a double strange baryon:


3) As well as a recent phenomenological study:



    • 1
      Introduction - General comments
      Speakers: Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Juri Smirnov (Stockholm University), Timothy Linden (Stockholm University)
    • 2
      Strange Matters

      I will discuss the theoretical expectation and the implications of the existence of a new state of matter, containing strange quarks.

      Speaker: Juri Smirnov (Stockholm University)
    • 3
      Discussion and remarks