May 2 – 26, 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


In the coming decades it behooves us to live and use our planet in a more sustainable way. The climate is changing with a large impact on the population and the planet itself, e.g. see the increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes and other extreme events. To mitigate these changes and propose adaptation strategies we need to better understand a wide range of flow phenomena in the atmosphere and the ocean, spanning length scales from micrometres to thousands of kilometres, and time scales from milliseconds to months or years. These phenomena typically involve the interaction among all three phases of matter, with the energy inputs playing a substantial role in the dynamics.

Investigating the influence of small scales processes to the large scale one and vice versa is a great challenge which can not be tackled by a single discipline or tool, hence the need of this workshop to bring together people from different disciplines using a variety of tools, e.g. numerical modelling, laboratory experiments, field data, satellite images, analytical methods. In order to facilitate the participation of the different guests and plan daily seminars, the program will be organised around the different themes discussed below, one or two week each.


The four weeks program is centered around the following themes:

  • Geophysical fluid dynamics, convection, ice melting and ocean mixing (weeks 1-2)
  • Data-driven investigation of climate and weather (week 3)
  • Aerosols and clouds (week 4)


Nordita can offer single and double accommodation in Biz Apartments for all invited speakers, and, for accepted participants after application evaluation. These hotel apartments are designed for long-stay accommodation with fully-equipped kitchens and standard amenities. For more details, see here. Subject to availability, it is also possible to arrange a larger apartment (for families) upon request. Please specify the type of accommodation you would like in the application form, including if you will make your own arrangements. Any special requests should be made using the comments section of the application form. 

The program will seek to cover accommodation costs for as many participants as possible, but at this stage we cannot guarantee that full costs will be covered for everyone. 

Please note that the program can only cover accommodation costs for participants (including for invited speakers) and all costs for dependents / family need to be met separately. 

Nordita does not organise childcare services, but may be able to suggest possibilities.

Travel support

We ask all participants to cover their own travel costs. Limited support may be available for junior researchers only; please request this using the comments field of the application form.


For participation in the program (invited and non-invited), please apply using the link (Application) in the sidebar at the top. The deadline for applications is 5th of March. Non-invited participants will be informed by the organizers shortly (1-2 weeks) after the application deadline whether your application has been approved. 

The minimum stay for participation in the program is one week, but longer stays are encouraged. Due to space restrictions, the total number of participants is strictly limited. Invited speakers are automatically approved, but still need to register.


Claudia Cenedese - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA  
Luca Brandt - FLOW, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden and NTNU, Trondheim, Norway  
Ekaterina Ezhova - Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki, Finland  
Shervin Bagheri - FLOW, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden  
Frida Bender - Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden  
Geert Brethouwer - FLOW, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

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Albano Building 3
Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
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