Apr 3 – 28, 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


The goal of the program is to achieve tangible progress in our understanding of the structure and origin of the Milky Way’s magnetic field, to pave the way for further progress in this direction, and to address a range of fundamental questions in other areas of galactic astrophysics that have magnetic fields and cosmic rays at their core. Specific questions include: What are the properties of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the interstellar medium? What can we learn from the observations of other galaxies (and contribute to) galaxy formation theory? What is the interplay between cosmic structure, magnetic fields and the origin and propagation of extragalactic cosmic rays? Answers to these question, even if partial and incomplete, would advance fundamentally our understanding of galactic magnetic fields, bring closer their theory, simulations and observations, and inform crucially the rapidly evolving concepts in galaxy formation and evolution.

We will bring together experts in theory, computational astrophysics and observations across a wide range of related disciplines to find answers and develop approaches to tackle these important questions.


This will be primarily in-person meeting, with ample time for spontaneous discussions and work sessions. All participants will be provided with workspace at the institute. Each day will consist of a few short talks in the morning, with the rest of the day allocated to discussions and collaboration.

Each Tuesday, we plan to hold a hack-session with the overall goal of making the IMAGINE and related software more accessible and useful to the community.

We will be making use of Slack to communicate and organize sessions. There will be some limited opportunities for remote participation, mainly for listening to the talks and some opportunities to participate in the discussion sessions.


If you have already pre-registered, we will be contacting you before the end of January with information about your assigned week(s) and an invitation to officially register on the Nordita site. The deadline to officially register is 26 Feb 2023, 23:59 (Stockholm time).If your plans have changed, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know that you can no longer make it so that we can make your spot available to another participant.

If you are interested in attending, and you have not yet pre-registered, please note that our registration is currently near capacity. We will still consider your request and we will be sure to let you know if a spot becomes available. The pre-registration form can be found here.

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Albano Building 3
Albano 3: 6335 - Hekto (10 seats)
Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
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