26 June 2023 to 21 July 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

New probes of the string spectrum

13 Jul 2023, 11:45
Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats) (Albano Building 3)

Albano 3: 4204 - SU Conference Room (56 seats)

Albano Building 3

Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden


Chrysoula Markou (University of Mons)


As is well known, the string spectrum comprises infinitely many states that can collectively be visualised along Regge trajectories of increasing mass and spin. Its massless level, low spins as well as certain higher spins including the leading Regge trajectory have been the focus of past studies. In this talk, we will discuss new probes beyond the leading Regge, starting with recent work on the interactions of subleading massive spin-2 superstring states and proceeding to ongoing work on whole families of subleading Regge trajectories as well as their interactions using string scattering amplitudes.

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