4–29 Sept 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Hydrodynamics of a relativistic charged fluid in the presence of a periodically modulated chemical potential

8 Sept 2023, 11:00
Albano 3: 4205 - SU Conference Room (40 seats) (Albano Building 3)

Albano 3: 4205 - SU Conference Room (40 seats)

Albano Building 3

Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden


Nicolas Chagnet


We study charged relativistic hydrodynamics driven by an external chemical potential made periodic in order to mimick the charge modulation generated by an ionic lattice. The background periodicity fluctuations are mixing Bloch waves rather than independent single momentum Fourier waves. The modes at momenta separated by integer multiples of the modulation wavevector interact and lead to novel physical effects which bear resemblance to the physics of cuprates. We connect our results to explicit realizations in AdS/CFT models with an outlook towards condensed matter applications.

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