In this talk, I will explore the similarities and differences between the fluid dynamical equations that
govern ocean waves and the "hydrodynamics" of Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) fluids. The linearized edge dynamics
of the FQH hydro reveals two chiral edge modes propagating in the same direction: a non-dispersing Kelvin mode
(observed on coasts) and a dispersing chiral boson mode. The presence of two modes at the edge of a Laughlin state
is somewhat perplexing because only one chiral mode is expected for these states.Contrary to what is discussed in
literature, I will explain that the Kelvin mode is incompatible with the gauge anomaly and, thus, cannot be associated
with the charge transport at the edge. However, the chiral boson mode is consistent with the anomaly-induced chiral
edge dynamics. By invoking a fluid dynamical perspective, we can gain further insights into the non-linear dynamics
of FQH edge.