2 February 2023
Albano Hus 4
Europe/Stockholm timezone
A one-day meeting about Swedish science and the Square Kilometre Array



2 Feb 2023, 10:00
Lecture room 24, floor 2 (Albano Hus 4)

Lecture room 24, floor 2

Albano Hus 4


Talks: Morning session

  • Martin Sahlén (Uppsala universitet)

Talks: Afternoon session 1

  • Anne-Kathrin Baczko

Talks: Afternoon session 2

  • Michael Lindqvist (Chalmers)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Robert Braun (SKAO)
02/02/2023, 10:00
Invited contribution
Leah Morabito
02/02/2023, 11:10
Invited contribution
Lindsay Magnus
02/02/2023, 14:50
Invited contribution
John Conway (Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology)
02/02/2023, 16:00
Contributed presentation
Building timetable...