Talks: Morning session
- Martin Sahlén (Uppsala universitet)
Talks: Afternoon session 1
- Anne-Kathrin Baczko
Talks: Afternoon session 2
- Michael Lindqvist (Chalmers)
An overview will be given of Sweden's involvement in the Square Kilometre Array including the following topics:
(1) The national funding secured for Swedish SKA involvement and membership of the SKA Observatory international organisation.
(2) Ongoing work establishing the Swedish node of the SKA Regional Centre (SRC) global network of data centres. The short and long term capabilities of...
With the onset of the SKA era, there is renewed focus on the low-frequency radio sky, with many technological advancements from the likes of GMRT, VLITE and the recent VLBI pipeline at 150 MHz with the International LOFAR Telescope (Morabito et al. 2022). In this talk, we present the first sub-arcsecond resolution image of the nearby galaxy M51 with LOFAR-VLBI, with a focus on the resolved...
We present a polarimetric study at 114.9–177.4 MHz of the European Large Area ISO Survey-North 1 (ELAIS-N1) deep
field, one of the deepest of the LOFAR Two-Meter Sky Survey (LoTSS) Deep Fields so far. An area of 25 deg2 was imaged at 6”-resolution in the Stokes Q,U parameters. A 1σ sensitivity of 17 µJy/beam was reached in the central part by aligning the polarization angles and stacking...
About 400 Myr after the Big bang, the Universe transitioned from primarily neutral to ionized. Primeval star forming galaxies are thought to be the main sources that caused the Reionization of the Universe. However, the way ionizing radiation escaped the neutral gas of galaxies to ionize the intergalactic medium is still poorly understood, due to the limits of high redshift observations. To...
The low-frequency component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be able to observe the 21-cm signal produced by the neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of reionization (EoR). Using this signal, we can study the evolution of large scale structures during the Reionization epochs. In this talk, I will present a fast framework to model the signal that is vital...
In the evolutionary history of our Universe, the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of reionization (CD-EoR) is the period when the formation and evolution of the very first luminous sources took place. These first sources transitioned the state of the Universe from cold and neutral to a fully heated and ionized one, together with introducing a high level of non-Gaussianity in the heating and ionization...
The future deployment of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will lead to a massive increase in astronomical data which means that automatic detection and characterization of sources will be crucial for utilizing its full potential. We suggest how existing astronomical knowledge and tools can be utilized in a machine learning-based pipeline for finding 3D spectral line sources. We present a...
Radio telescopes can be used as detectors for gravitational waves (GWs) in both the low ($\sim$nHz) and high ($\gg$kHz) frequency regimes. These GWs provide a unique insight into, e.g., the physics at QCD phase transition, primordial black holes, or the nature of gravity. The upcoming SKA is expected to improve the constraints on GW background from existing radio telescopes.
SKA has superb wavelength coverage allowing us to map the dependence of polarized intensity on wavelength in all four quadrants of edge-on galaxies. Systematic differences between the two sides of the rotation axis, and also between north and south, are indicative of magnetic helicity of a certain sign. I will present theoretical plots showing the anticipated dependence for different models.
The heavy mass-loss experienced by evolved asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars provides metals and dust to the interstellar medium (ISM) from which new stars and planets will form. In our current understanding, mass loss occurs through dust-driven winds originating from the extended atmospheres of these stars. When the material has reached the cooler regions so that sufficient dust can form,...