The mathematical treatment of the interaction between matter and light, especially in relativistic scenarios, is challenging. Even fundamental models, such as the Unruh-DeWitt detector model, present significant obstacles when seeking to treat exactly detector responses, communication scenarios, or entanglement extraction processes.
In many cases, perturbation theory allows for analytic derivations of fascinating effects. They give rise to the question of what happens beyond perturbation theory? In other cases, even perturbative calculations require advanced numerics, for example, in the neighborhood of black holes.
These challenges motivated some recent works which I will outline in my talk. In particular, I will focus on [1], in which we employ star-to-chain transformations to non-perturbatively and numerically exactly treat, for example, response and radiation emission in the Unruh effect.
Furthermore, I review works on entanglement extraction and signaling in Schwarzschild spacetime [2,3], which were enabled by advanced numerical Green function methods.
Time permitting, I will touch upon connections to recent and ongoing works concerning the entanglement structure of Gaussian states.
[1] R. H. Jonsson and J. Knörzer, “Chain-mapping methods for relativistic light-matter interactions.” arXiv, Jun. 19, 2023. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2306.11136.
[2] J. G. A. Caribé, R. H. Jonsson, M. Casals, A. Kempf, and E. Martín-Martínez, “Lensing of vacuum entanglement near Schwarzschild black holes,” Phys. Rev. D, vol. 108, no. 2, p. 025016, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.025016.
[3] R. H. Jonsson, D. Q. Aruquipa, M. Casals, A. Kempf, and E. Martín-Martínez, “Communication through quantum fields near a black hole,” Phys. Rev. D, vol. 101, no. 12, p. 125005, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.125005.