Mar 13 – 15, 2024
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


This workshop series provides a “forum” where scientists in the Nordic countries working in the area of Statistical Physics can meet regularly. The meeting brings together experts interested in the broad spectrum of timely problems in Statistical Physics, ranging from fundamental aspects in the theory of non-equilibrium processes to modern applications in biophysics. Topics covered include diffusion problems, non-equilibrium transport, work relations and fluctuation theorems, microscopic heat engines, soft condensed matter (colloids, liquid crystals etc.), turbulence, pattern formation, self-assembly, population dynamics, physics of DNA and bio-molecules, single-molecule kinetics, dynamics and structure of networks, neuronal networks, quantum thermodynamics and many more.

The workshop will start on Wednesday morning at around 9.00 with registration and coffee/cake. It will end on Friday (early) afternoon. There will be a conference dinner on Thursday evening.

Invited speakers

Dick Bedeaux (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)Namiko Mitarai (Niels Bohr Institute)
Francesco Coghi (Nordita)Karel Proesmans (Niels Bohr Academy)
Kristian Gustavsson (Gothenburg University)Joakim Stenhammar (Lund University)
Mogens Hogh Jensen (Niels Bohr Institute)Yu Tian (Nordita)
Signe Kjelstrup (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)Giovanni Volpe (Gothenburg University)
Supriya Krishnamurthy (Stockholm University)Astrid de Wijn (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Sreenath Manikandan (Nordita)Niccolo Zagli (Nordita)

Special Guest

Edgar Roldán (ICTP Trieste)


If you want to participate in the workshop, please fill in the registration form (registration opening date to be announced).

Registration deadline: Feb 29, 2024

There is no registration fee.

There is a (very) limited number of travel grants available for PhD students and young Postdoc fellows from the Nordic countries. If you are interested in such a grant, please contact the organizers via email, and provide a rough estimate of your expenses (travel and/or accommodation).

For administrative reasons you have to register before February 10, if you want to apply for such a travel grant.

Depending on interest and time constraints we might set up a session dedicated to short talks by junior researchers (PhD students, young Postdocs). During registration you have the possibility to indicate if you are interested in contributing such a short talk (likely around 5-10 min).


Please be aware that scammers sometimes approach participants claiming to be able to provide accommodation and asking for credit card details. Do not give this information to them! If you are in any doubt about the legitimacy of an approach, please get in contact with the organizers.

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Albano Building 3
Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
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