21–23 Jul 2025
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


This satellite meeting will focus on the emerging area of fluctuations in non-Markovian processes, particularly self-interacting and reinforcement learning (RL) processes, an increasingly relevant topic across statistical physics and machine learning that has found numerous applications in recent years from protein folding to self-driving cars, securing two Nobel prizes only this year.

While most fluctuation theories are currently grounded in Markov processes, many feedback and reinforcement learning models are inherently non-Markovian, as self-interaction mechanisms enable the system to adapt and gradually optimise a reward. The non-Markovian nature of these systems poses unique challenges and opportunities for understanding fluctuations, which are critical for ensuring the stability, efficiency, and robustness of learning schemes in complex environments. Advancing our knowledge of fluctuations in non-Markovian systems not only deepens theoretical insights but also enhances the reliability and allows for a generalisation of RL systems, making them more effective for real-world applications.

Themes and preliminary program schedule

The meeting will bring together 40-50 leading researchers and young scientists to discuss the latest developments in this field, including the mathematical modeling of non-Markovian processes, the impact of fluctuations on learning dynamics, and the potential for novel algorithms that leverage these insights. We aim to explore the interplay between statistical physics, feedback processes and reinforcement learning, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and new directions for research.

The 3 day meeting will feature 6 keynote presentations, contributed talks, and interactive sessions (possibly a poster session depending on interest).

Invited speakers

Contributed speakers

  • To be announced after registration is completed.


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide accommodation for workshop attendees due to limited funding availability. 

Please be aware that scammers sometimes approach participants claiming to be able to provide accommodation and asking for credit card details. Do not give this information to them! If you are in any doubt about the legitimacy of an approach, please get in contact with the organisers.

Travel support

A very limited number of travel grants are available exclusively for PhD students and early-career Postdocs based in Europe. If you wish to apply for a grant, you must indicate your interest in the registration form and include a detailed estimate of your travel expenses (note: grants cover travel costs only, not accommodation).


If you wish to participate in the workshop, please complete the registration form (registration opening date to be announced).

Registration deadline: 16 May 2025
Registration fee: None

Registrants will receive a participation confirmation from the organisers after this date.

Organising committee

  • Francesco Coghi (Nottingham University, UK)
  • Lorenzo Buffoni (Universita degli Studi di Firenze, IT)
  • Hugo Touchette (Stellenbosch University, RSA)
  • Supriya Krishnamurthy (Stockholm University, SE)
  • Ralf Eichhorn (Nordita, SE)

Sponsored by:

Featured by StatPhys29: https://statphys29.org/


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Albano Building 3
Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
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Registration for this event is currently open.