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Lectures on computational multiscale techniques will be presented in the first week, covering the areas of numerical analysis, chemistry, biology, nano and material science. The second week will offer computational exercises to be solved in small groups. During the second week the scientific program will start, where leading scientists in multiscale modelling will present seminars on the areas of the expertise, and which will be open for discussion among the particpants. The final two days will be devoted to a regular conference where a larger number of particpants can present regular talks and posters. PhD students can receive credit for the school at their home departments.
The school is intended for PhD students in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, computational physics, computational chemistry and compuational biology.
Students affiliated with a university in Finland, Norway, and Sweden are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to cover the expenses at the summer school.

AlbaNova University Campus, Stockholm, November 2 - 28, 2009
The purpose of this event is to join a school, a scientific program and a conference in multiscale modeling where teachers, students and scientists in computational science and engineering will be brought together to present, discuss and solve problems in areas of reserach involving multiple scales.Lectures on computational multiscale techniques will be presented in the first week, covering the areas of numerical analysis, chemistry, biology, nano and material science. The second week will offer computational exercises to be solved in small groups. During the second week the scientific program will start, where leading scientists in multiscale modelling will present seminars on the areas of the expertise, and which will be open for discussion among the particpants. The final two days will be devoted to a regular conference where a larger number of particpants can present regular talks and posters. PhD students can receive credit for the school at their home departments.
The school is intended for PhD students in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, computational physics, computational chemistry and compuational biology.
Students affiliated with a university in Finland, Norway, and Sweden are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to cover the expenses at the summer school.
Department of Theoretical Chemistry, KTH
Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science (NADA), KTH
NORDITA, Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics
KTH Center for Computational Science and Engineering (KCSE)
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
the National Graduate School in Scientific Computing (NGSSC)