17–21 Aug 2009
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Simulating the 21 cm signal in absorption during the early EoR

18 Aug 2009, 10:00
FD 5 (AlbaNova University Centre)

FD 5

AlbaNova University Centre

Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm
Simulating reionization and its 21cm signal


Dr Benoit Semelin (Obs de Paris)


It has been recognized from the start that the high redshift 21 cm signal from the neutral IGM during the Epoch of Reionization may been seen as a strong absorption against the CMB early on as long as the IGM has undergone little heating from X-ray sources. The difficulty with simulating this stage of the Reionization is that the strength of the signal depends on an accurate computation of the spin temperature of neutral hydrogen including a proper modeling of the Wouthuysen-Field effect. We will present results from simulations combining the full radiative transfer of both the ionizing continuum and Lyman alpha photons, allowing us to model the 21cm signal during the early absorption regime. We find a strong (>100 mK) absorption signal during a limited period even if we take into account a reasonable contribution from X-ray sources.

Primary author

Dr Benoit Semelin (Obs de Paris)

Presentation materials