17–21 Aug 2009
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Reionization with the MWA

17 Aug 2009, 16:10
FD 5 (AlbaNova University Centre)

FD 5

AlbaNova University Centre

Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm
Detecting the 21cm signal from the epoch of reionization


Prof. Miguel Morales (University of Washington)


I will review the design and status of the Murchison Widefield Array and its capabilities for observing the Epoch of Reionization. In addition I will discuss the challenges of instrumental calibration and foreground subtraction facing all 21 cm EoR observatories; the constraints these observational and astrophysical effects place on the measurements; and how these constraints affect efforts to cross-correlate 21 cm observations with measurements in other wave bands.

Primary author

Prof. Miguel Morales (University of Washington)

Presentation materials