Vibor Jelic
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, RUG)
The Universe’s Epoch of Reionization (EoR) could be studied using a number of
observational probes that provide complementary or corroborating information. Since
each of these probes suffer from its own systematic and statistical uncer tainties,
it is useful to consider the mutual information that these data sets contain. In this
talk we will present a cross-correlation study between the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich
effect (kSZ)– produced by the scattering of CMB photons off free electrons produced
during the reioniza tion process – and the cosmological 21 cm signal– which reflects
instead the neutral hydrogen content of the Universe, as a function of redshift. The
study is carried out using simulated reionization history in 100/h Mpc scale N-body
simulations with radiative transfer. In essence we find that the two probes
anti-correlate. The significance of the anti-correlation signal depends on the extent
of the reionization process, wherein extended histories result in a much stronger
signal compared to instantaneous cases. Unfortunately however, the primary CMB
fluctuations once folded in serve as a source of large correlated noise that ren ders the
cross-correlation signal insignificant, regardless of the reionization scenario in
focus. Obviously, this conclusion is modulo the simulation box size and reionization
scenarios considered in this study and does not mean that a cross-correlation signal
is absent at all scales and
reionization histories.
Primary author
Vibor Jelic
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, RUG)