David Haviland
The one dimensional series Josephson Junction Array (JJA)
is a rich system for the study of nonlinear dynamics and the
quantum behavior of the superconducting phase. This talk
will review some interesting features of JJA’s in several
regimes: The regime of classical linear electrodynamics,
where a mode structure is found that can be engineered to
give microwave “photonic band gaps”. The regime of
classical nonlinear electrodynamics, where JJA transmission
lines can be used to realize parametric amplifiers. And the
regime of strong quantum fluctuations of the phase, where
a Coulomb blockade of Cooper pair tunneling can be realized
which bares a striking duality to the classical DC Josephson
effect. One objective of the study of this later regime, is to
realize the dual to the AC Josephson effect, which could
enable a new quantum standard of electrical current.