Aug 9 – 11, 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone
This Symposium commemorates the life and science of Héctor Rubinstein (1933-2009). There will be invited talks covering the history and recent developments in QCD, string theory and astroparticle physics, as well as a session on electronic publishing. Participation is by invitation only, no registration fee. We are grateful for support from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through its Nobel Institute for Physics, the Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics at Stockholm University, NORDITA, the Arnold Sommerfeld Center LUM, Munich, SISSA Medialab, Trieste.

NEW. The conference group photo and other photos from the conference are now available.

International Advisory Committee: D. Amati, L. Brink, B. Huberman, V. Mukhanov, A. Schwimmer, and G. Veneziano.

Local organizing Committee: L. Bergstrom (chair), E. Aurell, U. Danielsson, J. Edsjo, A. Goobar, T.H. Hansson, P.O. Hulth, R. Liotta, E. Mortsell, and L. Thorlacius.
