6–10 Sept 2010
Albanova University Center, room FD5
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Quantum Imaging of Topologically Ordered Matter

7 Sept 2010, 09:40
Albanova University Center, room FD5

Albanova University Center, room FD5

Roslagstullsbacken 23 106 91 Stockholm Sweden


Hari Manoharan (Stanford University)


Deforming a material and restoring it precisely back to its starting point intuitively implies that the material before and afterwards is identical. This is true classically, and was believed to be true in general until recently in the history of quantum mechanics. Even if all the atoms, electrons, and other ingredients are returned exactly to where they started, we now know that the restored material can differ from the undeformed material by nontrivial quantum mechanical phase factors. These Berry phases have garnered increasing appreciation in recent years, and in condensed matter they arise from the topology of electronic states and embedded degeneracies. Such considerations have helped to identify new ground states consisting of topologically ordered matter, which can be exploited in quantum devices, quantum computing strategies, and in searches for exotic particles. This talk will overview new experiments from our lab, employing scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic manipulation, that directly visualize and control topological order in several materials and nanostructures.

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