25–27 Jan 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Accommodation (map)

A few nearby hotels which are also reasonably close to downtown Stockholm (either by foot or with public transportation) are
  • Hotell Oden. Price /night is 1365 SEK weekdays and 925 SEK/night on weekends in single rooms. For double rooms, the cost is 1695 SEK/night weekdays and 1195 SEK/night weekends. These prices can change slightly as we move closer to the conference.

You can find links to hostels and cheaper hotels here (unfortunately in swedish). Direct links to a selection of hostels is listed below.
  • Vanadis Hotell. Cheap but small rooms close to (10-15 min walking distance) conference site.
  • af Chapman. Hostel nicely located on a ship at Skeppsholmen in central Stockholm.

We will not help with hotel reservations, hence contact the hotel you want to stay at directly.